Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Real Deal

Just did a whole bunch of voices for this project from Loyola Productions. Answered an ad on Craigslist and it turned out to be a blast. It was a cool coincidence because my niece just started a year long commitment with the JVC (Jesuit Volunteer Corps) and this happens to be produced by a Jesuit production company.

The project is called "The Real Deal" and is kind of a series of short tv episodes, like a mini-series, that's going to be used to spark classroom discussion. The premise is that all media (phones, computers, radio / tv stations) somehow get taken over by "The Real Deal", which is some sort of news show that broadcasts sad but true facts about our world, 24/7. Stuff about global warming, violence, sexual assault, consumerism, etc. Every time someone turns on any sort of media, they hear "The Real Deal".

I got to do a bunch of different voices for all the different media-a tv announcer, a few radio DJ's and a computer broadcast. It was so much fun and I was in and out in about 25 minutes.
Not sure if they'll put them on Youtube but I'll post a link if they do!

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